A new wastewater treatment plant will be built in Jordan as part of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s efforts to protect the groundwater and the environment in Azraq and to provide sanitation to the region. The Ministry of Water/Water Authority (WAJ) in Jordan and Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA) recently signed an MOU to protect the groundwater and environment of Azraq oasis, as well as to introduce reusing treated water and introducing sanitation services.
Bashar Batayneh, secretary general of WAJ, who signed the MOU with BORDA’s regional director Abdurasul Kayumov, said that the new wastewater treatment plant in Azraq will provide additional treated water, noting that it will receive 250 cubic metres a day at the beginning of construction, increasing to 1,450 cubic metres a day for 20,000 people later on.
Founded in 1977 in Germany, BORDA West and Central Asia is a non-profit organization that supports development projects, particularly those related to improving water and sanitation services in developing countries. BORDA is an NGO specializing in full-cycle decentralized sanitation for over four decades. They aim to play a leading role in international efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.